Why an eBike

Cycling isn't always easy. By its very nature the bicycle can be a worrying prospect to most ordinary people; it requires fitness, commitment and motivation. Let's face it, 99% of us are not competitive athletes looking to score a record time or suffer a mountainous climb, we're just looking to enjoy a bicycle ride or get from A to B without a fuss.

What if you could jump on a bicycle after a long time 'out of the saddle' and ride like every path or trail was a down-hill? What if we could take away that fear of failure? That's precisely what the modern E-bike can do. We can guarantee the first time you try one of our E-bikes will be a revelation.

What it is:

An E-bike or Pedelec is an electrically assisted bicycle; you pedal and the motor adds power - it's that simple.

What it's not:

A motorbike! It won't go flying off at uncontrollable speeds, it won't guzzle fuel like there's no tomorrow and it certainly won't require you to pay any extra tax, license fees or insurance.

Who is it for?

Every single person who buys an E-bike has a completely different and personal reason for doing so. When someone decides to get fit, leave the car at home or take up cycling as a hobby it's a very particular change in mind set. What an E-bike does is open up that choice to virtually everyone. Cycling is now easy, fun & attractive to the 95% who shudder at the thought of struggling into a headwind or keeling over at the top of a hill on their first ride out.


E-Bikes take you further. For the regular cyclist going the 'alternative route' is always a risk, for the E-biker it's a temptation that's hard to ignore!


Don't fancy breaking a sweat? You don't have too. Struggling to keep up with traffic or setting off from the lights? Forget all of that, how does 15.5mph sound? Electric bikes are life changing. Just ask one of our countless customers if they could go back to riding a regular bike; they'll be smiling as they zip off over the horizon.

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